
love, I can’t promise you a day that it doesn’t hurt anymore

I can’t promise that the knife between your ribs will slip away

I won’t tell you that the ache deep in your soul will find a balm, not even with him

I won’t say there will be a day where you can walk into that place and truly call it home

Instead, I will give you moments.

You will have moments where it feels like you’re breathing freely for the first time

You will have precious seconds where you stretch your neck and find that the weight of the world is gone

You will stand outside in a thunderstorm and fall in love with the feeling of rain on your skin all over again

You will run barefoot at night and remember what it feels like to be really, truly happy

You will burn like wildfire

love, I can’t promise you a day entirely free of it

But I will promise you moments.

And for now, that will be enough.

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